Posts Tagged ‘music’


A catch of fish

May 27, 2020


Prior to this scene, we have Jesus teaching on the lake while the tired fishermen, including Peter, are cleaning up their nets after a fruitless, night-long working shift.

Then Jesus gives an offer- come fish. In the movie, you can see Jesus almost smiling at the “surprise” that is about to occur. I didn’t notice it before, but can’t you feel the joy Jesus has in giving good gifts?  Following God may not always be easy, but it is good. God loves to give, and what He gives is good. He delights in such things.


Music for the Glory of God

June 30, 2018

I don’t lightly share things like these, but some things are worth sharing, especially if they glorify God. Even if you don’t understand Russian (though he provides English lyrics and sometimes sings in English), I hope you can feel the God-awe from his music. He is living out by faith, so after one of his best YouTube videos, I’ve included links to his channel and ways to support him if you so wish-all of his music is free to listen, share, and download/keep.  May Simon grow in his faith, in his trust to God to provide, and may God be more and more gloried through how Simon serves Him!