Posts Tagged ‘Songs of Praise’


My Life is In You Lord

April 3, 2013

You Are Holy

April 3, 2013

All the Earth Will Sing Your Praises

April 3, 2013

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord!

April 3, 2013

God is Holy, part 2

February 29, 2012


God is Holy, part 1

February 29, 2012


Exciting Things

March 6, 2011

God is doing some exciting things in my life! Drawing on His grace and strength, I pray that I may be up to par to meet the opportunities/challenges that He brings.

This calls for a popular song from childhood:


Praise God!

March 5, 2011

God has been so good to me, blessing me without measure and leading me into exciting directions! He’s at work in my life, and I am thankful for all that He’s done and continues to do. He’sĀ strengthenedĀ me during tough times and helped me to get through them. He opens doors of opportunity and guides me through them. In short, His grace overflows in my life; I have gotten way more than I could ever deserve. Thank you, Lord Jesus!

This just calls for some songs of praise:
