Posts Tagged ‘Worry’


Free from concern!

February 27, 2021

What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep;  those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away.

 I would like you to be free from concern. 1 Corinthians 7:29-32a, NIV

There is great freedom in Christ and not just from sin. There is also freedom from worry and concern as well. The above passage is in the midst of Paul’s counsel to the Corinthian church regarding matters of marriage, but in the process, he also alludes to some larger life-principles as well. Mainly-don’t worry.

Why not? Because this life here is temporary and passing away. We don’t take anything tangible with us when we die and all of us will die someday. So don’t worry and focus on things that truly matter. Marriage? OK to be single, OK to be married. Slave/free? While being free is preferred, OK to be a slave. “Bloom where you’re planted.”

As Jesus Himself said about not worrying about food, clothes, or similar items- “seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things shall be given unto you.”

Now, this is not to say we don’t work hard, that marriage or relationships don’t matter, that it’s better to be free vs. a slave, etc. For example, Paul himself worked VERY hard and took great risks to spread the Word of God to a good portion of the Roman Empire either in person or by his letters and teachings. But ultimately it’s “God who makes things grow.”

So don’t stress about your job, relational status, if you are rich/poor, “successful” in this life, etc. In the long term, those things, while important, don’t really matter. How you live your life and what impact you have on others, though, do. Life is ultimately about glorifying God through His transformation of You and, shockingly, through the collective transformation of all believers in all time and space into one unit, one body, one temple, one bride of Christ. 

Oh, I cannot clearly communicate just HOW FREEING this is! Even if we still have some responsibility. It’s like playing a video game- what you do in it matters, but there is a greater life/existence outside of the game that takes precedence. Or as Jim Elliot said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose”.  Psychologically, mentally, spiritually we are now free to truly be, to truly do, trying our best, yes, but not stressed out about things since we can’t really control them anyway.  None of us knows what tomorrow may bring and ANYTHING that we may put our trust or hope in, outside of God, can vanish overnight. Look at the Corinthian church- not too long after Paul’s letter, several emperors passed very harmful laws to Christians, costing quite a few of them lives, property, persecution, and more. Just like that,  in a split-second, all they had counted on could be taken away from them through no fault of their own. You know-you’ve seen this with COVID. 

God, help us to trust You and not worry. We are here to do Your work, by Your strength and power, and for Your glory, to ultimately  enjoy life with You forever. Nothing in this life, relative to that, is as important. Just like worrying about a minor loss of yards in an American football game, we focus instead on the touchdown pass and the ultimate win. In  You, we have victory, freedom, and help in time of need. Thank You for such amazing grace! We praise You. Amen. 


Kids songs, but still good

August 17, 2019

How often does a song use “lurch” these days?



A quote about sorrow, worry, and faith

November 18, 2017

I stumbled upon this a few weeks ago and hope it encourages you:


Sorrow looks back

Worry looks around

Faith looks ahead